Bookmarks for 25 mag 2012 from 16:47 to 18:38

These are my links for 25 mag 2012 from 16:47 to 18:38:

  • Tony’s VMware Site – I have assembled a package which you can download which will allow you to have Sound, Network, and CD ROM in your Windows For Workgroups 3.11 Virtual Machine.  I also have found a copy of Netscape 4.0 which will work with Windows 3.11.
  • Michele’s blog » Temperature in your server room – At work we bought a couple of Ethernet Boxes from MessPC to keep an eye on our different server room and monitore temperature, humidity and the presence of smoke. These Ethernet boxes are quite neat: they have one network port (10 Mbps half/duplex only, beware) and four RJ-45 ports where you plug-in the sensors you need. We got sensors for temperature, humidity and a smoke alarm.
  • Nagios plugin debugging – This little perl-scripts captures STDOUT and STDERR of a nagios plugin. It writes the captured output to a temp. file. Then the output is returned to Nagios for further processing.

    This allows to track down some problems when using plugins within Nagios. You'll get some information if you have problems accessing files, can view the expanded command-line parameters of service checks, view the performance data returned in a text file, etc.

    It did help me several times – so feel free to try this out.