
  • Bookmarks for 2 lug 2014 through 3 lug 2014

    These are my links for 2 lug 2014 through 3 lug 2014: Jsfmt – For formatting, searching, and rewriting javascript – For formatting, searching, and rewriting javascript. [ via http://onethingwell.org/post/90463351047 ] dalen/puppet-puppetdbquery – This module implements command line tools and Puppet functions that can be used to query puppetdb. There's also a hiera backend that…

  • Bookmarks for 25 mag 2012 from 16:47 to 18:38

    These are my links for 25 mag 2012 from 16:47 to 18:38: Tony’s VMware Site – I have assembled a package which you can download which will allow you to have Sound, Network, and CD ROM in your Windows For Workgroups 3.11 Virtual Machine.  I also have found a copy of Netscape 4.0 which will…