Bookmarks for 9 March 2017

These are my links for 9 March 201:

  • Relentless Coding – A Javascript malware analysis tool using static analysis / deobfuscation techniques and an execution engine featuring HTML DOM emulationRead more »
  • Deis | Your Paas. Your Rules. – Deis (pronounced DAY-iss) is an open source PaaS that makes it easy to deploy and manage applications on your own servers. Deis builds upon Docker and CoreOS to provide a lightweight PaaS with a Heroku-inspired workflow.
  • Speed up WordPress on DreamHost with OPcache
    Installing OPcache can improve your site’s performance by decreasing the php execution process when a script is requested. DreamHost permits a user to log into the server through secure shell with user level permissions. Since user level permissions cannot install software, the module will need to be manually compiled.
  • Reduce TIME_WAIT socket connections | Linux BrigadeReduce TIME_WAIT socket connections in Apache/Linux
    Some time in your life you’ll run across an Apache server that always has tons of TIME_WAIT connections just seeming to hang out. While these don’t take up as many resources as an ESTABLISHED connection, why keep them around so long? This short article will show you how to identify how many you have, and how to tell your server to reduce them, reuse and recycle them (see, recycling IS a good thing).
  • Analyzing Apache Log Files < System | The Art of Web
    There are many different packages that allow you to generate reports on who’s visiting your site and what they’re doing. The most popular at this time appear to be “Analog”, “The Webalizer” and “AWStats” which are installed by default on many shared servers. While such programs generate attractive reports, they only scratch the surface of what the log files can tell you. In this section we look at ways you can delve more deeply – focussing on the use of simple command line tools, particularly grep, awk and sed.