Bookmarks for 28 apr 2011 through 2 mag 2011

These are my links for 28 apr 2011 through 2 mag 2011:

  • Building a mail server on Debian 6.0 – The goal of this manual is to provide you with enough knowledge to feel confident in installing and maintaing your own mail server. Of course manuals like this already exist but during my search for knowledge I always felt like they were either not updated in a while or they just skip over some of the most interesting parts assuming you know what they are talking about[…]<br />
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  • Free Website Uptime Monitoring – Uptime Robot – Monitors your websites every 5 minutes, totally free.<br />
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  • My Low End VPS Server – This document describes how to setup a Debian Linux VPS to replace your standard shared hosting account.  This document started out as a bunch of scribbles on scrap paper as I built a Virtual Private Server (VPS) into a fully functioning internet server.  It was notes on how I configured the server for the various pieces of the stack.  The need for the server was identified when I wanted to migrate my cPanel Shared Hosting account at Hostgator to a low end VPS for more control and freedom to run whatever software I wanted.  It was also a good opportunity to get back into Linux system configurations and serving web content.  As a collateral benefit, but not as the main drive, I was able to save a few dollars a month in web hosting costs.