
  • Bookmarks for 17 apr 2011 through 19 apr 2011

    These are my links for 17 apr 2011 through 19 apr 2011: IIS 7 for Apache Administrators : Migrate to the Microsoft … – Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Server and Internet Information Services 7 (IIS 7) are two of the world’s most popular Web servers. This article provides technical information about IIS for users…

  • Bookmarks for 23 dic 2010 through 3 gen 2011

    These are my links for 23 dic 2010 through 3 gen 2011: How to Survive a Slashdotting on a Small Apache Server – …so your plain ordinary webserver just got listed on a high-traffic news site.  Slashdot?  Reddit?  Hacker News?  Well done, turns out you’re hosting something thousands of people want to read.  Now thousands…

  • Bookmarks for 24 set 2010 through 28 set 2010

    These are my links for 24 set 2010 through 28 set 2010: xCAT – Extreme Cloud Administration Toolkit – xCAT offers complete and ideal management for HPC clusters, RenderFarms, Grids, WebFarms, Online Gaming Infrastructure, Clouds, Datacenters, and whatever tomorrow's buzzwords may be. It is agile, extendable, and based on years of system administration best practices…

  • Bookmarks for 22 feb 2010 through 1 mar 2010

    These are my links for 22 feb 2010 through 1 mar 2010: 10 Useful Google Spreadsheet Formulas You Must Know – woorkup.com – Google Spreadsheet is a powerful and free tool to manage complex spreadsheets. This tutorial illustrates ten useful formulas you must know to help you simplify the way you work in Google Spreadsheet.…

  • Bookmarks for 9 feb 2010 through 10 feb 2010

    These are my links for 9 feb 2010 through 10 feb 2010: Andrea Tech Blog: HIVE: Extreme Datawarehousing – HIVE è un progetto di Apache Software Foundation, inizialmente sviluppato da Facebook per permettere ai propri analisti di fare elaborazioni su enormi volumi di dati in totale autonomia[…] Un post in italiano sulle possibilità di HIVE…