Bookmarks for 9 dic 2014 through 11 dic 2014

These are my links for 9 dic 2014 through 11 dic 2014:

  • The WordPress wp-config File: A Comprehensive Guide – WPMU DEV – The WordPress configuration file, also known as wp-config.php, is most frequently used to set up a database connection and is then forgotten. Despite its neglected nature, it is a powerhouse of features and opportunities for optimization.
  • Open source ticket manager Brimir – Declutter your support inbox. Provide support with a team of different agents and a perfect overview of all your communication. All using an open souce product!
  • ivaldi/brimir – Brimir is a simple helpdesk system that can be used to handle support requests via incoming email. Brimir is a rather simple Ruby on Rails application. The only difficulty in setting things up is how to get incoming email to work.