
  • Bookmarks for 9 dic 2014 through 11 dic 2014

    These are my links for 9 dic 2014 through 11 dic 2014: The WordPress wp-config File: A Comprehensive Guide – WPMU DEV – The WordPress configuration file, also known as wp-config.php, is most frequently used to set up a database connection and is then forgotten. Despite its neglected nature, it is a powerhouse of features and…

  • Bookmarks for 6 nov 2012 through 13 nov 2012

    These are my links for 6 nov 2012 through 13 nov 2012: Howto: Change the IP address of a Dell 4/P DRAC from the command line without rebooting the server – Normally you configure a Dell Remote Access Card (DRAC) when a server is initially commissioned. Once the card is set, administrators rarely if ever…

  • Bookmarks for 10 ott 2012 from 00:36 to 00:57

    These are my links for 10 ott 2012 from 00:36 to 00:57: miracle2k/emma · GitHub – Emma is a graphical toolkit for MySQL database developers and administrators. It provides dialogs to create or modify MySQL databases, tables, and associated indexes. The results of an executed query are displayed in a resultset where the record data…

  • Bookmarks for 26 mag 2012 through 28 mag 2012

    These are my links for 26 mag 2012 through 28 mag 2012: gitso – Gitso is to support others. – Google Project Hosting – Gitso is a frontend to reverse VNC connections. It is meant to be a simple two-step process that connects one person to another's screen. First, the support person offers to give…

  • Bookmarks for 2 feb 2012 through 11 feb 2012

    These are my links for 2 feb 2012 through 11 feb 2012: ImgOps – Image Operations – ç”» – ImgOps is a meta-tool: 1.) Enter an image. 2.) Choose an online image utility. Moving to London? A quick guide • Intense Minimalism – Moving to a new place is usually a mix of excitement and…