Bookmarks for 18 apr 2014 through 30 apr 2014

These are my links for 18 apr 2014 through 30 apr 2014:

  • JoshData/mailinabox · GitHub – Mail-in-a-Box helps individuals take back control of their email by defining a one-click, easy-to-deploy SMTP+everything else server: a mail server in a box.
  • SSH Multi-hop Connections With Netcat Mode Proxy | Click & Find Answer ! – Since OpenSSH 5.4 there is a new feature called natcat mode, which allows you to bind STDIN and STDOUT of local SSH client to a TCP port accessible through the remote SSH server. This mode is enabled by simply calling ssh -W [HOST]:[PORT] Theoretically this should be ideal for use in the ProxyCommand setting in per-host SSH configurations, which was previously often used with the nc (netcat) command. ProxyCommand allows you to configure a machine as proxy between you local machine and the target SSH server, for example if the target SSH server is hidden behind a firewall. The problem now is, that instead of working, it throws a cryptic error message in my face: Bad packet length 1397966893.Disconnecting: Packet corrupt
  • Tyblog | SSH Kung Fu – OpenSSH is an incredible tool. Though primarily relied upon as a secure alternative to plaintext remote tools like telnet or rsh, OpenSSH (hereafter referred to as plain old ssh) has become a swiss army knife of functionality for far more than just remote logins. I rely on ssh every day for multiple purposes and feel the need to share the love for this excellent tool. What follows is a list for some of my use cases that leverage the power of ssh.
  • Baseimage-docker: A minimal Ubuntu base image modified for Docker-friendliness – YOUR DOCKER IMAGE MIGHT BE BROKEN without you knowing it Learn the right way to build your Dockerfile.
  • NetApp – Index – The following documentation is a guide on using and configuring the NetApp servers, there is also a commandline cheat sheet. I have tried to make this section as brief as possible but still cover a broad range of information regarding the NetApp product but I point you to the Official NetApp web site which contains all the documentation you will ever need.