
  • Bookmarks for 28 set 2015 through 3 ott 2015

    These are my links for 28 set 2015 through 3 ott 2015: AWS Performance Tuning – This guide introduces best practices for tuning Riak cluster performance in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) environment. Guide to Windows Batch Scripting – /* steve jansen */ – This series will share some of the…

  • Bookmarks for 18 mag 2015 through 22 mag 2015

    These are my links for 18 mag 2015 through 22 mag 2015: kanbanik – Free and open source kanban board – Google Project Hosting – Kanbanik is a free and open source kanban board which can be used for personal kanban as well as for managing of small teams. Kanboard – Simple and open source…

  • Bookmarks for 1 mag 2015 through 12 mag 2015

    These are my links for 1 mag 2015 through 12 mag 2015: How To Use Logstash and Kibana To Centralize Logs On CentOS 7 | DigitalOcean – In this tutorial, we will go over the installation of Logstash 1.4.2 and Kibana 3 on CentOS 7, and how to configure them to gather and visualize the…

  • Bookmarks for 5 mar 2015 through 7 mar 2015

    These are my links for 5 mar 2015 through 7 mar 2015: duck | Cyberduck CLI – The universal file transfer tool duck which runs in your shell on Linux and OS X or your Windows command line prompt. Edit files on remote servers, download, upload and copy between servers with FTP, SFTP or WebDAV…

  • Bookmarks for 4 mar 2015 through 5 mar 2015

    These are my links for 4 mar 2015 through 5 mar 2015: EasyEngine – Easy WordPress Nginx – EasyEngine (ee) is a linux shell-script to manage your WordPress-Nginx websites on Ubuntu and Debian server. fresh – Keep your dot files fresh – fresh is a tool to source shell configuration (aliases, functions, etc) from others…