
  • Bookmarks for 24 Mar 2016 through 25 Mar 2016

    These are my links for 24 Mar 2016 through 25 Mar 2016: Coderwall | Dump all variables – For debugging purposes it can be useful to not just dump hostvars but also all other variables and group information. You can do this using a jinja template which you could include in a debug task Using…

  • Bookmarks for 18 mag 2015 through 22 mag 2015

    These are my links for 18 mag 2015 through 22 mag 2015: kanbanik – Free and open source kanban board – Google Project Hosting – Kanbanik is a free and open source kanban board which can be used for personal kanban as well as for managing of small teams. Kanboard – Simple and open source…

  • Bookmarks for 3 dic 2014 from 13:42 to 14:37

    These are my links for 3 dic 2014 from 13:42 to 14:37: ASYD – Automated System Deployment – ASYD allows system administrators to automatically install software, updates, manage settings, and monitor the status of their servers on a comprehensive, quick and easy way, without requiring any programming skills or a long learning curve. Reading the…

  • Bookmarks for 2 lug 2014 through 3 lug 2014

    These are my links for 2 lug 2014 through 3 lug 2014: Jsfmt – For formatting, searching, and rewriting javascript – For formatting, searching, and rewriting javascript. [ via http://onethingwell.org/post/90463351047 ] dalen/puppet-puppetdbquery – This module implements command line tools and Puppet functions that can be used to query puppetdb. There's also a hiera backend that…

  • Bookmarks for 18 mar 2014 through 21 mar 2014

    These are my links for 18 mar 2014 through 21 mar 2014: tune apache peformance using mpm prefork module – There could be many reasons why your website performance is poor, one of them can possibly be that Apache is not coping with the load. Below you’ll find ready to consume configuration to make Apache…