
  • Bookmarks for 17 nov 2011 from 23:06 to 23:56

    These are my links for 17 nov 2011 from 23:06 to 23:56: Optimizing WordPress with Nginx, Varnish, APC, W3 Total Cache, and Amazon S3 (With Benchmarks) | – So I’ve spent the last couple of weeks tweaking my web server stack. I like my site to pop, and I’ve finally achieved a configuration that…

  • Bookmarks for 25 apr 2011 from 14:21 to 16:07

    These are my links for 25 apr 2011 from 14:21 to 16:07: A TCP Proxy in Perl – good coders code, great reuse – Several weeks ago my friend Madars was in an airport in the Netherlands and he wanted to login into his server via ssh. It turned out that their public internet had…

  • Bookmarks for 7 ott 2010 through 20 ott 2010

    These are my links for 7 ott 2010 through 20 ott 2010: CSS + XHTML Table Generator | WebmasterCorey – Qink | Free Books – A lot of people keep asking about a good list of programming books. Hence, we are building this list to save your time and to spread the knowledge.<br /> <br…

  • Bookmarks for 22 feb 2010 from 00:51 to 16:14

    These are my links for 22 feb 2010 from 00:51 to 16:14: DreamPie: The Python shell you’ve always dreamed about! – DreamPie was designed from the ground up to bring you a great interactive Python experience via – is a shell script designed to build a multiboot CD image containing many different…

  • Bookmarks for 26 gen 2010 through 30 gen 2010

    These are my links for 26 gen 2010 through 30 gen 2010: Network monitoring with Nagios and OpenBSD – Una guida in italiano all'installazione configurazione di nagios sotto BSD UNIX Performance Management – The purpose of this paper is to introduce the performance analyst to some of the free tools available to monitor and manage…