
  • Bookmarks for 31 ott 2014 through 1 nov 2014

    These are my links for 31 ott 2014 through 1 nov 2014: check_jvm – Nagios Exchange – JvmInspector is standalone tool + Nagios wrapper plugin (check_jvm) that dumps various properties from locally running JVMs. This information includes: * Heap & non-heap memory * Running threads * Loaded classes * Running java version, paths & arguments…

  • Bookmarks for 17 ott 2014 through 20 ott 2014

    These are my links for 17 ott 2014 through 20 ott 2014: microHOWTO: Configure Apache to use Kerberos authentication – To configure Apache to use Kerberos authentication Kerberos is an authentication protocol that supports the concept of Single Sign-On (SSO). Having authenticated once at the start of a session, users can access network services throughout…

  • Bookmarks for 7 ago 2014 from 14:07 to 14:40

    These are my links for 7 ago 2014 from 14:07 to 14:40: Adagios by opinkerfi – Adagios is a web based Nagios configuration interface built to be simple and intuitive in design, exposing less of the clutter under the hood of nagios. Additionally adagios has a rest interface for both status and configuration data as…

  • Bookmarks for 29 gen 2013 through 4 feb 2013

    These are my links for 29 gen 2013 through 4 feb 2013: » Linuxaria – Everything about GNU/Linux and Open source Glances a new system-monitor tool – Glances is a free software (licensed under LGPL) to monitor your GNU/Linux or BSD operating system from a text interface. Glances uses the library libstatgrab to retrieve information…

  • Bookmarks for 17 mag 2012 through 18 mag 2012

    These are my links for 17 mag 2012 through 18 mag 2012: vikjon’s Linux and Media Center Howto: NSClient++ external vbs script to check MSSQL jobs – This script for NSClient++ checks if there is any failed jobs in MS SQL server. The database connection data is stored in a UDL file. Mobile-OTP: Strong Two-Factor…