
  • Bookmarks for 30 Dic 2015 through 17 Feb 2016

    These are my links for 30 Dic 2015 through 17 Feb 2016: Robtex – We aim to make the fastest and most comprehensive free DNS lookup tool on the Internet OS.js – JavaScript Cloud/Web Desktop Platform – OS.js is a JavaScript web desktop implementation for your browser with a fully-fledged window manager, Application APIs, GUI…

  • Bookmarks for 11 lug 2014 from 15:17 to 15:23

    These are my links for 11 lug 2014 from 15:17 to 15:23: – With the enormous amounts of e-mail many people gather and the importance of e-mail messages in our daily work-flow, it is very important to be able to quickly deal with all that – in particular, to instantly find that one important…

  • Bookmarks for 13 mar 2014 through 18 mar 2014

    These are my links for 13 mar 2014 through 18 mar 2014: Observium – Observium is an autodiscovering SNMP based network monitoring platform written in PHP which includes support for a wide range of network hardware and operating systems including Cisco, Windows, Linux, HP, Dell, FreeBSD, Juniper, Brocade, Netscaler, NetApp and many more. Observium has…

  • Bookmarks for 18 nov 2013 through 4 dic 2013

    These are my links for 18 nov 2013 through 4 dic 2013: Ratuus – RATUUS is an easy to use, web based system for administration of POSTFIX virtual domains and users. Sounds good, but what does it really mean? Postfix mail server is able to work with non-system users, users which are not known to…

  • Bookmarks for 24 ott 2013 through 13 nov 2013

    These are my links for 24 ott 2013 through 13 nov 2013: jor1k: OpenRISC OR1K Javascript Emulator Running Linux With Network Support – This virtual machine has open access to the internet. Try running the command 'links -g' Everyone visiting this page is connected to the same subnet ( Try opening a second tab…