
  • Bookmarks for 10 giu 2012 through 15 giu 2012

    These are my links for 10 giu 2012 through 15 giu 2012: Backup automatizzato dei database su SQL Express – SQL Server Express viene distribuito senza SQL Agent, quindi non è possibile schedulare internamente a SQL Server processi automatizzati, come ad esempio il backup. E’ però possibile aggirare questo ostacolo creando uno script ad-hoc, che…

  • Bookmarks for 8 nov 2011 through 14 nov 2011

    These are my links for 8 nov 2011 through 14 nov 2011: using mod_auth_kerb and Windows 2000/2003/2008R2 as KDC – This tutorial contains my knowledge about using Apache/mod_auh_kerb and Windows 2000/2003/2008R2 as KDC. Squid kerberos authentication and ldap authorization in Active Directory « Klaubert’s Blog – The squid web cache include a authenticator for kerberos,…

  • Bookmarks for 8 nov 2011 from 15:36 to 21:57

    These are my links for 8 nov 2011 from 15:36 to 21:57: 10 Ruby One Liners to Impress Your Friends – Someone came up with a list of 10 one-liner examples that are meant to showcase Scala’s expressiveness. A CoffeeScript version quickly emerged, so I thought I’d publish a Ruby one. I find Ruby’s syntax…

  • Bookmarks for 2 lug 2010 from 16:04 to 16:14

    These are my links for 2 lug 2010 from 16:04 to 16:14: migrazione RedHat Enterprise Linux a CentOS eseguita! – Lo scorso anno acquistammo un serverino – dischi in fiber channel, 4 cpu quadcore, 32GB di RAM … la solita roba, insomma – con su Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Ovviamente quest’anno allo scadere della licenza…

  • Bookmarks for 25 gen 2010 from 15:08 to 18:02

    These are my links for 25 gen 2010 from 15:08 to 18:02: How to build a Social Networking Website with Drupal – woorkup.com – With this article I want to explain how you can plan and build a Social Networking Website using Drupal. The intent of the post is to provide useful tips and informations…