
  • Bookmarks for 8 Mar 2016 through 14 Mar 2016

    These are my links for 8 Mar 2016 through 14 Mar 2016: Zsoldier’s Tech Blog: Add Portgroups/VLANs to vmware standard switches via PowerCLI – Wrote a simple little script to insert a portgroup into a targeted vSwitch of all VM hosts in a targeted cluster. This is not an issue if you use distributed vSwitches.…

  • Bookmarks for 18 nov 2015 through 24 nov 2015

    These are my links for 18 nov 2015 through 24 nov 2015: Come suddividere il log di WordPress in file separati tramite Apache – Otherplus Tech – Quando usiamo WordPress su un server Apache siamo quasi sempre abituati ad avere un solo file di log per gli accessi del nostro sito e alcune volte due file…

  • Bookmarks for 12 mar 2015 through 18 mar 2015

    These are my links for 12 mar 2015 through 18 mar 2015: OpenSSL Essentials: Working with SSL Certificates, Private Keys and CSRs | DigitalOcean – OpenSSL is a versatile command line tool that can be used for a large variety of tasks related to Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and HTTPS (HTTP over TLS). This cheat…

  • Bookmarks for 5 nov 2014 from 10:48 to 13:51

    These are my links for 5 nov 2014 from 10:48 to 13:51: Configuring OpenLDAP pass-through authentication to Active Directory – Alex Tcherniakhovski – Security – Site Home – MSDN Blogs – This particular functionality of OpenLDAP should be of special interest for environments where long term co-existence between OpenLDAP and Active Directory is required. By…

  • Bookmarks for 22 ott 2014 from 11:37 to 15:55

    These are my links for 22 ott 2014 from 11:37 to 15:55: S3QL – nikratio – S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online using storage services like Google Storage, Amazon S3, or OpenStack. S3QL effectively provides a hard disk of dynamic, infinite capacity that can be accessed from any computer with…