
  • Bookmarks for 9 Dic 2015 from 12:09 to 16:26

    These are my links for 9 Dic 2015 from 12:09 to 16:26: One Thing Well | Let’s Encrypt – Let’s Encrypt is now in public beta and offers a command line tool that makes the process of getting and renewing certificates easy, but you have to run it as root, and it’s designed to rewrite…

  • Bookmarks for 16 nov 2015 through 17 nov 2015

    These are my links for 16 nov 2015 through 17 nov 2015: Dkron – Distributed, fault tolerant job scheduling system – Dkron is a system service that runs scheduled jobs at given intervals or times, just like the cron unix service but distributed in several machines in a cluster. If a machine fails (the leader),…

  • Bookmarks for 21 set 2015 through 24 set 2015

    These are my links for 21 set 2015 through 24 set 2015: IOWait. (Sysadmin’s bedtime horror story) – […] hope this helps someone out there. The last 3 days, I have had my server crash on me every 2-3 hours. At first I thought it would be a spike in the traffic, since I couldn’t…

  • Bookmarks for 29 mag 2015 through 10 giu 2015

    These are my links for 29 mag 2015 through 10 giu 2015: My Blog: AWS EC2 Auto Scaling: Basic Configuration – Our goal: Create an Auto Scaling EC2 Group in a single Availability Zone and use a HTTP status page as a Health Monitor for our Load Balancer and the Auto Scaling group instances. This…

  • Bookmarks for 2 apr 2015 through 1 mag 2015

    These are my links for 2 apr 2015 through 1 mag 2015: Apache vs Nginx vs OpenLiteSpeed – As a hosting provider, we run hundreds of web servers with varying configurations. Some are tuned to work with large systems, some are tuned to work with lots of domains and some a tuned to be highly…