
  • Bookmarks for 30 Dic 2015 through 17 Feb 2016

    These are my links for 30 Dic 2015 through 17 Feb 2016: Robtex – We aim to make the fastest and most comprehensive free DNS lookup tool on the Internet OS.js – JavaScript Cloud/Web Desktop Platform – OS.js is a JavaScript web desktop implementation for your browser with a fully-fledged window manager, Application APIs, GUI…

  • Bookmarks for 3 nov 2015 through 11 nov 2015

    These are my links for 3 nov 2015 through 11 nov 2015: GPO to push out local administrators across a domain. – Spiceworks – This how to will walk you through using Restricted groups to put users in the local admin group on all PCs. It will also add them to the Remote Desktop user's…