
  • Bookmarks for 18 mag 2011 through 28 mag 2011

    These are my links for 18 mag 2011 through 28 mag 2011: 500 Internal Server Error – 500 Internal Server Error Download details: Microsoft Exchange Server SMTPDiag Tool – SmtpDiag is a troubleshooting tool designed to work directly on a Windows server with IIS/SMTP service enabled or with Exchange Server installed. Toronto AIX and SystemP…

  • Bookmarks for 28 mar 2011 through 2 apr 2011

    These are my links for 28 mar 2011 through 2 apr 2011: Installing HMC in VirtualBox or VMWare – In the instructions below I will explain how to install the Hardware Management Console Software into a Virtual Machine. This should also work for VMWare but the instructions are based on VirtualBox. 500 Internal Server Error…

  • Bookmarks for 7 mag 2010 through 12 mag 2010

    These are my links for 7 mag 2010 through 12 mag 2010: AIX « I am vistababa! – How to get unrestricted root access to HMC? « I am vistababa! – Using GUI interface of HMC, you can’t do everything you like! You just can use predefined features of GUI. For example, you can’t schedule every commands you want, or…

  • Bookmarks for 18 dic 2009 through 22 dic 2009

    These are my links for 18 dic 2009 through 22 dic 2009: Welcome to Computers-it – A resource for Computers and Information Technology – Articoli vari su linux, aix, TSM, soluzioni a problemi curiosi, note sulle peculiarità (/proc per linux, HACMP su AIX, etc). How to install AIX 5L – Summary:  Get step-by-step instructions for…

  • Bookmarks for 15 dic 2009 from 18:36 to 19:16

    These are my links for 15 dic 2009 from 18:36 to 19:16: Making Open Source Convenient | JumpBox Virtual Appliances and Applications for Cloud Computing – It's a ready-to-deploy virtual computer that contains a pre-configured instance of an application. Self-contained, secure and optimized – it gives you the value of Open Source software without the…