
  • Bookmarks for 2 nov 2014 from 01:19 to 01:31

    These are my links for 2 nov 2014 from 01:19 to 01:31: wemux — multi-user tmux – wemux enhances tmux to make multi-user terminal multiplexing both easier and more powerful. It allows users to host a wemux server and have clients join in either: Mirror Mode gives clients (another SSH user on your machine) read-only…

  • Bookmarks for 11 ott 2014 from 23:37 to 23:51

    These are my links for 11 ott 2014 from 23:37 to 23:51: Vim Book – I've tried to document every significant command in Vim. It's been quite a job. Here's the 800 page result. Beyond grep: ack 2.14, a source code search tool for programmers – Designed for programmers with large heterogeneous trees of source…

  • Bookmarks for 2 nov 2012 from 11:31 to 12:17

    These are my links for 2 nov 2012 from 11:31 to 12:17: Import Windows XP Mode into VirtualBox – while maintaining product activation: jq – jq is like sed for JSON data – you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep…

  • Bookmarks for 27 feb 2012 through 5 mar 2012

    These are my links for 27 feb 2012 through 5 mar 2012: Hardening of a Linux System – Sicurezza informatica in ambiente Linux – Sicurezza informatica in ambiente Linux Sviluppare, versionare e rilasciare in automatico: una soluzione basata su Subversion, Apache e SSH – Mia mamma usa Linux! – In ambiente enterprise vi è sempre…