
  • Bookmarks for 30 Dic 2015 through 17 Feb 2016

    These are my links for 30 Dic 2015 through 17 Feb 2016: Robtex – We aim to make the fastest and most comprehensive free DNS lookup tool on the Internet OS.js – JavaScript Cloud/Web Desktop Platform – OS.js is a JavaScript web desktop implementation for your browser with a fully-fledged window manager, Application APIs, GUI…

  • Bookmarks for 6 ago 2015 through 21 set 2015

    These are my links for 6 ago 2015 through 21 set 2015: /bin/bash based SSL/TLS tester: testssl.sh – testssl.sh is a free command line tool which checks a server's service on any port for the support of TLS/SSL ciphers, protocols as well as recent cryptographic flaws and more. [ via quasi.dot: https://delicious.com/farmando ] Policy NAT…

  • Bookmarks for 1 set 2014 from 11:33 to 16:59

    These are my links for 1 set 2014 from 11:33 to 16:59: home | Policyd – Policyd v2 (codenamed "cluebringer") is a multi-platform policy server for popular MTAs. This policy daemon is designed mostly for large scale mail hosting environments. The main goal is to implement as many spam combating and email compliance features as…

  • Bookmarks for 8 lug 2014 through 11 lug 2014

    These are my links for 8 lug 2014 through 11 lug 2014: Tips & Tricks for the Command line of Linux – cfenollosa.com/misc/tricks.txt – I have marked with a * those which I think are absolutely essential Items for each section are sorted by oldest to newest. Come back soon for more! Naming Schemes –…

  • Bookmarks for 6 mag 2014 through 15 mag 2014

    These are my links for 6 mag 2014 through 15 mag 2014: Send ePub to Kindle – What is my Send-to-Kindle email address? Your Send-to-Kindle email address is a unique email address assigned to your Kindle device or reading app when it is registered. Each Kindle device or reading app has its own email address.…