
  • Bookmarks for 16 Dic 2015 through 21 Dic 2015

    These are my links for 16 Dic 2015 through 21 Dic 2015: 29 questions to ask yourself if you’re in devops | – A few days ago, I had an opportunity to meet and interact with Mike Place, who works as a developer at Saltstack. We had an interesting conversation about devops and how…

  • Bookmarks for 3 nov 2015 through 11 nov 2015

    These are my links for 3 nov 2015 through 11 nov 2015: GPO to push out local administrators across a domain. – Spiceworks – This how to will walk you through using Restricted groups to put users in the local admin group on all PCs. It will also add them to the Remote Desktop user's…

  • Bookmarks for 3 nov 2014 through 5 nov 2014

    These are my links for 3 nov 2014 through 5 nov 2014: Policy Daemon – Policyd is an anti-spam plugin for Postfix (written in C) that does Greylisting, Sender-(envelope, SASL or host / ip)-based throttling (on messages and/or volume per defined time unit), Recipient rate limiting, Spamtrap monitoring / blacklisting, HELO auto blacklisting and HELO…

  • Bookmarks for 13 mag 2010 through 14 mag 2010

    These are my links for 13 mag 2010 through 14 mag 2010: Freeware OS X – Freeware software for Apple Macs | OSX | – We provide links and descriptions to the best freeware available for Mac OS X. Please come back and visit us often as we update our site daily. Mac Freeware and…