
  • Bookmarks for 29 ago 2014 through 1 set 2014

    These are my links for 29 ago 2014 through 1 set 2014: Scaling PHP apps via PHP-FPM clustering | Jamie Alquiza – PHP-FPM is a way to move your busted PHP handling from one place to another. It's essentially a pool of processes ready for PHP interpretation through FastCGI. While Apache will service client connections…

  • Bookmarks for 15 mag 2014 through 2 giu 2014

    These are my links for 15 mag 2014 through 2 giu 2014: Babun | A windows shell you will love! – Would you like to use a linux-like console on a Windows host without a lot of fuzz? Try out babun! OpenSSH – Wikibooks, open books for an open world – The OpenSSH suite provides…

  • Bookmarks for 23 gen 2014 from 12:32 to 13:23

    These are my links for 23 gen 2014 from 12:32 to 13:23: Homepage – A collection of task oriented solutions in Puppet Ori File System – Ori is a distributed file system built for offline operation and empowers the user with control over synchronization operations and conflict resolution. We provide history through light weight snapshots…

  • Bookmarks for 5 lug 2013 from 10:30 to 10:51

    These are my links for 5 lug 2013 from 10:30 to 10:51: Learn X in Y Minutes: Scenic Programming Language Tours – Imparare un linguaggio di programmazione in pochi minuti analizzando pezzetti di codice [ via ] kaniini/tpe-lkm · GitHub – Trusted Path Execution is a security feature that denies users from executing programs…

  • Bookmarks for 28 ago 2012 through 3 set 2012

    These are my links for 28 ago 2012 through 3 set 2012: Join di una macchina RHEL a un dominio Active Directory Windows e uso dei dischi condivisi dal dominio – Mia mamma usa Linux! – Questo documento descrive, in salsa cookbook, come realizzare il join di una macchina Red Hat Linux Server versione 6…