
  • Bookmarks for 10 apr 2014 through 15 apr 2014

    These are my links for 10 apr 2014 through 15 apr 2014: ditaa – ditaa is a small command-line utility written in Java, that can convert diagrams drawn using ascii art ('drawings' that contain characters that resemble lines like | / – ), into proper bitmap graphics. This is best illustrated by the following example…

  • Bookmarks for 30 gen 2014 through 10 feb 2014

    These are my links for 30 gen 2014 through 10 feb 2014: Binpress – iOS, Android, Web and Desktop Open-Source Code Marketplace – Binpress brings together companies and developers to build an ecosystem around Open-Source code. Open-Source projects that solve real-world problems, Manually curated and professionally supported. Filtering Apache logs / conditional Logging – This…

  • Bookmarks for 2 gen 2014 through 7 gen 2014

    These are my links for 2 gen 2014 through 7 gen 2014: Adding dynamicall a new Virtual Disk in Linux in VMWare » IT Tips and Tricks – Largest small system emulator – This entry weighs in at a magical 4043 bytes (8086 nibbles, 28,301 bits). It manages to implement most of the hardware in…

  • Bookmarks for 14 feb 2013 through 19 feb 2013

    These are my links for 14 feb 2013 through 19 feb 2013: How-To: Bash Parameter Expansion and String Manipulation | Debuntu – There is many ways to do string manipulation with bash, like finding a filename extension using expr, separating the directory part from a filename using dirname and basename…. or even more sophisticated ones…

  • Bookmarks for 6 nov 2012 through 13 nov 2012

    These are my links for 6 nov 2012 through 13 nov 2012: Howto: Change the IP address of a Dell 4/P DRAC from the command line without rebooting the server – Normally you configure a Dell Remote Access Card (DRAC) when a server is initially commissioned. Once the card is set, administrators rarely if ever…