
  • Bookmarks for 2 lug 2010 from 16:04 to 16:14

    These are my links for 2 lug 2010 from 16:04 to 16:14: migrazione RedHat Enterprise Linux a CentOS eseguita! – Lo scorso anno acquistammo un serverino – dischi in fiber channel, 4 cpu quadcore, 32GB di RAM … la solita roba, insomma – con su Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Ovviamente quest’anno allo scadere della licenza…

  • Bookmarks for 6 mar 2010 through 8 mar 2010

    These are my links for 6 mar 2010 through 8 mar 2010: chive – MySQL database management tool – What is Chive?<br /> Chive is a next generation MySQL database management tool. The web-based user interface supports most of the common operations needed by software developers and database admins (databases, tables, indices, keys, triggers, views,…