
  • Bookmarks for 5 dic 2012 through 6 dic 2012

    These are my links for 5 dic 2012 through 6 dic 2012: Controllare il traffico aereo e navale su Google Maps con Flightradar24 e Marinetraffic – Se volete vedere in tempo reale dove si trova un aereo o una nave, esistono diversi strumenti sia da web che tramite l’uso di un’applicazione per smartphone e Tablet.…

  • Bookmarks for 18 nov 2011 through 22 nov 2011

    These are my links for 18 nov 2011 through 22 nov 2011: Plan your Exchange 2007 Backups based on Server Roles – When Microsoft created Exchange Server 2007, one of the biggest changes that they made was the creation of server roles. The concept of roles existed in Exchange server 2003, it was very limited.…