
  • Bookmarks for 5 dic 2012 through 6 dic 2012

    These are my links for 5 dic 2012 through 6 dic 2012: Controllare il traffico aereo e navale su Google Maps con Flightradar24 e Marinetraffic – Se volete vedere in tempo reale dove si trova un aereo o una nave, esistono diversi strumenti sia da web che tramite l’uso di un’applicazione per smartphone e Tablet.…

  • Bookmarks for 7 nov 2011 through 8 nov 2011

    These are my links for 7 nov 2011 through 8 nov 2011: Testing puppet with Jenkins before deploying | – […] However, I had overlooked one element: I tend to make a lot of typos […] funny and very instructive VMware Monitoring Appliance with Nagios, NagVis, PNP4Nagios, Smokeping, Cacti and OpenNMS – Monitoring in…