
  • Bookmarks for 26 nov 2014 from 20:02 to 21:26

    These are my links for 26 nov 2014 from 20:02 to 21:26: xat/castnow · GitHub – castnow is commandline utility which can be used to playback media files on your chromecast device. It supports playback of local video files, youtube clips, videos on the web and torrents. You can also re-attach a running playback session…

  • Bookmarks for 12 lug 2012 through 17 lug 2012

    These are my links for 12 lug 2012 through 17 lug 2012: MobaXterm-Plugins – – This page contains a few third-party MobaXterm plugins that I packaged myself. MobaXterm is an enhanced terminal for Windows build on top of cygwin. It is self-contained and doesn't require installing or managing a ton of dependencies and things…

  • Bookmarks for 16 feb 2010 through 17 feb 2010

    These are my links for 16 feb 2010 through 17 feb 2010: Prosody IM – Prosody is a flexible communications server for Jabber/XMPP written in Lua. It aims to be easy to use, and light on resources. For developers it aims to be easy to extend and give a flexible system on which to rapidly…