Bookmarks for 14 mag 2013 through 21 mag 2013

These are my links for 14 mag 2013 through 21 mag 2013:

  • Caching Nameserver using dnsmasq – dnsmasq is a lightweight, open-source DNS forwarder and DHCP server. In this article we go through how to prepare the system in order to run dnsmasq and also how to configure the latter as a caching-only DNS server. A configuration file is also provided as a drop-in replacement for the default dnsmasq.conf that ships with your system. dnsmasq is available in most Linux distributions.
  • Docker – the Linux container engine – Docker is an open-source engine which automates the deployment of applications as highly portable, self-sufficient containers which are independent of hardware, language, framework, packaging system and hosting provider.
  • 5G Blacklist 2012 : Perishable Press – The 5G Blacklist helps reduce the number of malicious URL requests that hit your website. It’s one of many ways to improve the security of your site and protect against evil exploits, bad requests, and other nefarious garbage. [ via ]