Bookmarks for 7 lug 2011 from 13:54 to 14:25

These are my links for 7 lug 2011 from 13:54 to 14:25:

  • 50+ Killer Apps for Your New Chromebook | Nettuts+ – In celebration of the first wave of Chromebooks being released today, now is a great time to start looking for replacements for the tools you can’t live without on a day to day basis. Code editors, image editors, games? All of these can be replaced! I’ll show you the best choices today.
  • Howto: Debian Squeeze+Nginx+WordPress – Nginx è uno tra i webserver open source che si sta diffondendo di più tra i sistemisti che ricerchino performance elevate e un consumo di risorse inferiore rispetto ad Apache (ma anche ad alternative “minimaliste” con Lighttpd).
  • Migrating data – Summary:  Migrating or copying data is a frequent task that system administrators carry out often. There are various tools available for these tasks, including cp, tar, and cplv.
  • Techdocs: Migrating Users from One AIX System to Another AIX System – This document discusses migrating users from one AIX system to another. This does not include transferring the user's personal data or home directories.<br />
    The information in this document applies to AIX 5.2 and above.<br />
    Since the files involved in the following procedure are flat ASCII files and their format has not changed from V4 to V5, the users can be migrated between systems running the same or different versions of AIX (for example, from V4 to V5).
  • Techdocs: hacmp tutorial